Natural Bee Keeping with BfD

Monica from BfD gives a talk/demonstration of Natural Beekeeping and leading a Bee walk in the grounds of Berrington Hall. She brings equipment but no bees to illustrate her talk and demonstration, and some honeys for tasting. This workshop is for people who know nothing about bees or beekeeping, but Monica can answer further questions from anyone who is already a beekeeper or has some knowledge.

    – Introduction to natural beekeeping – indoor/ seated talk
    – Bees and plants – A Bee walk, finding bee-friendly plants, Honey bees live seasonal lives.
    – Trees, skeps, hives, bee houses – places honey bees live
    – Honey – should we be harvesting the bees’ food? Discussion – seated, or wherever we end up!

Bees for Development is an international charity. from their website: “Bees for Development promotes sustainable beekeeping as a means of alleviating poverty and promoting biodiversity. We run practical, community-based projects around the world. Our principal activities are the development, funding and support of locally-run, self-sustaining education initiatives and supporting market access.”